

I went to New Delhi Railway station to buy train ticket to Ahmadabad. It was in golden week, one of the Japanese vacation season. When I entered to the station, People wear Railway uniform disturb me and asked ”Do you have ticket?”. I answered I would buy ticket and Railway Station.

He answered I could not enter the station and keep disturbing me.


 その時に偶然通りかかったインド人は「Why you don’t smile, I wish you keep smile.」とか言っていたが、まぁ笑えないなと思った。

After that, an Indian passed in front of me said he would help me to go to ticket office.

When he took me to ticket office, he asked me why I didn’t smile. I thought how I could smile, every Indian tried to cheat me. I wanted ask him he could smile when he was surrounded by his enemies.

 そしてローカル用のチケット売り場に行って「外国人窓口は無いな」と言うと、中から青いシャツを着た鉄道職員の身分証明書(たぶん偽装)を持った人が出てきて「You should go Information Center」とか言って近くにいたオートリキシャを呼び止めた。

 「なぜ? 外国人用窓口はニューデリー駅にあるでしょ?」と訊くと、「今日は日曜だから午前中で終わりだ。」とか言い出す。

We arrived at ticket office, but it was only for local Indian, so I complained there was no window for foreign people, then Indian uncle wear blue shirts came up and said I should go Information Center.
I told him I could buy ticket at railway station, and he lied it was closed because Sunday.

 仕方なく10ルピーでオートリキシャに乗ってコンフォートプレイスにあるInformation Centerとやらまで行くことにした。そしてオートリキシャのドライバーがその場をすぐに離れないので、「あぁマージン待ちなのかな」と思い、そのままInformation Centerをのぞき込む。

He asked Auto rikshaw to take me to Government Information Center with 10 Rs.
It was long time to take Auto rikshaw with correct price because every Indian driver were liar.
Rikshaw took me to Information Center and it was written ”Tourist Information Center”.
Rikshaw did not leave the office, immediately, so I wondered he was waiting his margin by taking victims to cheater.


I stared the inside of office, and an Indian speaks Japanese came up.
I doubt this situation and leave the office, and went back to New Delhi station to buy the ticket.

 やはりゴールデンウィーク中は駅員やタクシードライバーもグルになって悪い商売を考え出す。Tourist Policeと書いた車を偽のInformation Centerのすぐそばで見つけたが、何も対策などはしていないようだった。たぶん警察もグルなのだろう。

Railway staff, Taxi driver, Fake Information center staff, Police officer who gives their uniform to cheater, they makes team to steal money from foreign traveler as their sub-business. Actually there was Tourist Police car, but it seems not to do anything.


After this meaningless one hour trip by cheater union, I was waiting for an hour at train station to purchase the ticket. India has a lot of cheater and there is no example such a country would be advanced country.

My friend said she never wanted to go to India, because every single Indian is liar.

I think Indian GDP will grow, they probably be able to launch something to the space, but they continue to cheat people and rubbing other business opportunity even after 10 years.
Indian people says ”why rich country”, but actually they ruin their opportunity to be advanced and rich country by themselves.

If India was adorable country like Thailand, they could attract more tourist and make more money.
Shop staff can sell more goods, transportation will be improved, and life of local Indian also improved.

However the money greedy people distract all opportunity, and they continue to live in noisy horn, dirty road, traffic jam, and poverty. They are the robbery for other polite Indians.
